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Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-bullying Week 2022

The week started with an assembly led by the school council which focused on the main theme of Anti-bullying week.

‘Reach Out’

The school council encouraged the children to think about how Anti-bullying is everyone’s responsibility and understanding that reaching out for help and helping others can make a positive difference in our lives.

Throughout the week, the children engaged in activities designed to raise awareness of Anti-bullying and to allow them think about their own responsibilities and empowerment to make a difference.

These activities included;


Foundation Stage


This week was Anti bullying week. The children talked about the theme for Anti-Bullying week ‘Reach Out’. We shared the story of Elmer and talked about how we are all different just like Elmer but we are all joined together by kindness in our hearts. The children created a heart shapes posted with all different colours just like Elmer and the reception children drew a special person that they could reach out to in their RE book.




For Anti-bullying week, KS1 discussed what it means to 'reach out' and help a friend who is in need. We thought carefully about what 'bullying' means and ways that we can find and offer support to our friends if they need it. We all wrote the names of people we can ask for help if we are being bullied on pictures of hands and then we joined them together to make a classroom display. This reminds us every day that we are all together against bullying and that we are never alone.


Year 3/4


In Year 3 and 4 we have explored this year’s Anti Bullying theme Reach Out by considering how we will share this message. We have focused quite a lot on the strap line If we Challenge it we can Change it thinking carefully on how we can put this into action.

We have also acted out many different scenarios firstly identifying the bullying and then offering advice to the victim.


Year 5/6


For Anti Bullying week in Year 5 and 6, we discussed who we could trust when faced with difficult dilemmas.

Through this year’s theme, ‘Reach Out’, we thought about ways in which we could talk to others about our fears, worries or problems.

We came to the conclusion that speaking up and talking to others about our problems can help reduce the stress and worry of it all.


The School council also held a competition across the school for a poster design or poem that could be used around the school.

Congratulations to Theodore Robinson who created the winning design.