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Year 1 & 2

Welcome to Year 1 and 2

Meet the Staff

Miss Boon – Class Teacher

Mrs Spruce - Teaching Assistant 1:1


Our Class Saint

St. Micheal the Archangel

The Archangel Saint Michael is one of the best known Angels. He is an Archangel, which is a Chief Angel. He is honoured in the Christian faith for his bravery and devotion to God. The name ‘Michael’ means ‘who is like God’.

After the creation of the heavens and earth, there was a battle in Heaven. Lucifer, the "light-bearer", the "morning star", who was the chief amongst angels, rebelled against God.  Because of Lucifer's envy, pride, and desire to sit upon God's throne, he did not want to be subject to God or to serve Him.  He took a third of the angels into revolt with him. Michael however, was loyal to God, and declared he would serve God. With the other two-thirds of the angels, he defeated Lucifer and cast him and his supporters out of heaven.  Lucifer now became called Satan and those angels who supported him became devils.  As a reward for his loyalty, Michael was made the chief angel.  Due to this leadership role, the Church named the Archangel a Saint.

St Michael the Archangel’s feast day is celebrated on 29th September.


Feast Day - We will celebrate this in school on Monday 30th September.


Spring 1


  • We will begin this half term by reading ‘Esio Trot’ by Roald Dahl. We will work towards retelling part of the narrative from Mr Hoppy’s point of view.

We will then move onto reading ‘How to wash a wooly mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson. We will use this to construct our own set of instructions.




We will begin this half term by looking at the liturgical season of Christmas and what the true meaning of Christmas is.

We will also look at the annunciation and discuss how Mary and Angel Gabriel would have felt.

We will be learning lots of special prayers that we say during Christmas time.





We will then go on to look at Jesus as a teacher and healer. In this unit the children will understand the person of Jesus and his ministry as teacher and healer.   









  • Daily Maths homework will be four questions consolidating the week’s new maths learning. This must be completed by all children each evening.
  • Daily Literacy homework will support the development and enrichment of vocabulary. Words will be taken from class texts, stories read in school or key vocabulary from other curriculum areas. Y1 pupils should read and practise the words at home. Y2 pupils should use the words within a sentence and write those sentences in their literacy homework book.
  • Weekly homework - Children will also receive one piece of homework on a Thursday to be returned on Monday. This homework will be centred around Science, History, Geography, D&T, Art, French, Computing or PSHE, and will be rotated on a weekly basis. This can be completed on Purple Mash or in their purple homework books.  
  • Reading diaries – Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times a week.  

  • Reading diaries – Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times l 











  • KS1 will be going swimming on Monday afternoons. Please ensure children have a full swimming kit in school on Mondays. 
  • KS1 will also have dance with Mr Case on Thursday mornings. They will need their full school PE kit for this.




For more information on what we will be looking at across the curriculum in Spring 1, please see the information sheet below.

Collegiate Dictionary KS1

We really rocked the Times Table Rockstar launch day!!

Ideas for books to be experienced.

The Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse – Ursula Moray Williams

Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat – Ursula Moray Williams

Anna Hibiscus- Atinuke

Burger Boy – Alan Durant

Hue Boy – Caroline Binch

Lion at School – Philippa Pearce

Mrs. Pepperpot – Alf Proysen

The Diary of a Killer Cat – Anne Fine

A Sudden Puff of Glittering Smoke – Anne Fine

The Magic Finger – Roald Dahl

Fantastic Mr. Fox – Roald Dahl

Dick King-Smith animal stories

Winnie the Pooh – A A Milne

Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf – Catherine Storr

Jack and the Baked Beanstalk – Colin Stimpson

Winnie the Witch series – Korky Paul and Valerie Thomas

The Day the Crayons Quit – Drew Daywalt

My Naughty Little Sister – Dorothy Edwards

The Storm Whale – Benji Davies

The Story Tree – Hugh Lupton

The Bear and the Piano – David Litchfield

The Colour of Home – Mary Hoffman

Greenling – Levi Pinfold

Useful Websites

