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Progression in Geography

Progression in Geographical knowledge, concepts and skills


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

KS3 (Year 7)

Locational knowledge


(Concepts – Place and space)

Talk about members of their immediate family

and community.



Know the names of the four countries that make up the UK and name the three main seas that surround the UK using maps, globes and atlases.

Know the names of and locate the seven continents of the world using maps, globes and atlases.



Know the names of and locate the five oceans of the world using maps, globes and atlases.


Know the name of and locate the four capital cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland using maps and atlases.

Know the names of and locate some European countries, including Russia.


Know the names of and locate some counties and at cities in the UK.



Identify the position of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and locate some countries within each hemisphere.

Know the names of and locate at least eight major capital cities across the world


Know where the main mountain regions are in the UK

Know, name and locate the main rivers in the UK


Know where the equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Greenwich Meridian are on a world map


Know what is meant by the term ‘tropics’




Know the names of a number of European capitals


Know the names of, and locate, a number of South or North American countries


Describe and understand the distribution of natural resource including energy, food, minerals and water.



Look at various locations which alter each year based on news events.


Accurately locate key study regions, including:

Pacific ring of fire






Areas of the UK


Accurately label a map of Africa, including counties and capital cities


Place knowledge


(Concepts – Place,  space and interconnections)

Know that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos


Recognise some similarities and differences

between life in this country and life in

other countries

Know features of hot and cold places in the world


Know the main differences between a place in England and that of a small place in a non-European country


Understand geographical similarities and differences of human and physical geography between the UK and a European Country.


Know the difference between latitude and longitude and locate lines including the equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles and the Greenwich Meridian are on a world map (including time zones)

Understand geographical similarities and differences of human and physical geography between the UK and a country in either North or South America.

Identify land use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time (industrial areas and ports)

Study features of the areas identified including location of plate margins and features such as volcanoes and earthquakes


Study levels of development and poverty in the case studies identified.


How physical processes have impacted the shape of UK landscape including rock type, glaciation and river processes.

Human and Physical Geography


(Concepts – Environment, interconnections and physical and human processes)

Understand that some places are special

to members of their community.

Know seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK.



Know key human features such as city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop.


Know key physical features such as beach, cliff. coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season, weather.

Use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features.




Describe and understand key aspects of earthquakes, including causes and impact.


Describe and understand key aspects of volcanoes including parts and hazards.

Name and locate physical features of the UK, including main mountain regions/hills and rivers.


Know and label the main features of a river.


Explain the features of a water cycle


Know why most cities are located by a river



Know what is meant by biomes and what the climate and features of some specific biomes are (e.g deserts and rainforests)



Describe and understand key aspects of human geography including economic activity, trade links and fair trade.




Look at a range of news events linked to human geography (such as conflict and war) and physical geography (like earthquakes and extreme weather)


The economic development of countries studied


Physical features of countries studied


The study of colonisation and its impacts.


Varying ecosystems in Africa (deserts, grasslands and rainforests)


The role of TNC’s and the positive and negative effects of globalisation.

Geography field work and skills


(Concepts – place, space and scale)

Draw information from a simple map

Know where the equator, North Pole and South Pole are on a globe.



Know which is N, E, S and W on a compass


Know how to devise a simple map and use and construct basic symbols in a key.

Know and use locational and directional language (including 4 compass points) such as: left and right; near and far to describe the location of features and routes on maps and/or aerial photographs.


Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.

Know and name the eight points of a compass


Use maps and globes to locate the equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Greenwich Meridian


Use maps, atlases, globes and Google Earth to locate some of the world’s longest rivers.

Use maps, atlases, globes and Google Earth to locate some of the world’s major biomes.


Know how to use graphs to record features such as temperature or rainfall across the world.

Know what most of the ordnance survey symbols stand for


Know how to use four and six-figure grid references to build their knowledge of the UK and wider world.


Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of different methods (including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technology.

Use maps, atlases, gloves and digital/computer mapping to locate counties studied.


To accurately utilise the geography compass rose, applying it to case studies


River fieldwork to look at river processes and features that impact landscape.