Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
French Greetings with puppets
- French greetings day and night
- Describe how you are feeling in French
- Learn and perform a finger rhyme
French adjectives of colour, size and shape
- Colours in French
- Shapes in French
- Describe shapes by size and colour
- Use shapes like French Artist Matisse - Create collage and label with colors, shapes etc.
Portraits – describing in French
- Describing portraits as happy or serious (ending change for male/female), based on images from le Louvre
- Know descriptions for hair colour and eye colour – listening and understanding and writing own descriptions
- Describe simple personality traits in French
- Draw a portrait and describe using simple sentences
Clothes – getting dressed in French
- Recognise and use vocabulary relating to clothing
- Describe clothing using colours
- Expressing likes/dislikes about clothing
- Describe outfits using adjectives correctly (masculine/ feminine)
French monster pets
- Read information texts about animals and extract vocabulary
- Know the names of the different body parts
- Describe monsters – body parts
- Creating and describing monsters using adjectives
Space exploration – in French
- Learn vocabulary linked to Space
- Use nouns and adjectives linked to space to create metaphor poetry
- Space – make comparisons in French, asking and answering questions
French sport and the Olympics
- Say which sports you play
- Express an opinion about sports
- Learn the words for countries around the world in French
- Say they are going to a country using the verb ‘to go’
- Learn vocabulary relating to the Tour de France
- Learn about the French games of Petanque with correct vocabulary
- Write an article in French about the Olympic games
French football champions
- Learn and explore vocabulary about football (techniques)
- Read and de-code French football player profiles
- Use words and phrases to say which place or country a French footballer comes from
- Compete in a French vocabulary tournament (linked to football)
- Use knowledge of football related vocabulary to create a football player profile
- Phonics
- Introducing yourself/
- Others
- Birthdays/
- Numbers to 31
- Likes and dislikes Describing yourself and others
- Sports
- Leisure activities
French playground games – numbers and age
- Know (Read and Say) the numbers 0-12
- Say how old you are in French
- Learn and take part in French outdoor games, linking to numbers
In a French classroom
- Understand and respond to classroom instructions in French
- Name school bag objects in French and say whether they are masculine or feminine
- Ask and answers questions about objects that you have or do not have in French
- Read a short text about classroom objects
- Write a short text about classroom objects
French numbers, calendars and birthdays
- Read and say numbers to 31 in French
- Know the days of the week and the date
- Know the months of the year in French
- Know own and ask others when their birthday is – explore birthday celebrations in England and France
- Say the seasons of the year
French weather and the water cycle
- Learn weather phrases in French
- Make statements about the weather, and points of the compass
- Counting to 100 in multiples of 10
- To understand the Water cycle in French
Shopping in France
- Recognise number words in written from - French money, numbers and prices
- Know and name French fruits and notice patterns in sounds
- Describe a quantity of different food nouns linked to shopping
- Find relevant vocabulary linked to food and shopping in given texts
French Speaking World
- Recognise and respond to directional language
- Give and follow directions
- Know other French speaking countries and what they are like
- Use authentic materials to investigate climate data from the French speaking world
In my French House
- Describe house types in French
- Know the names of rooms in houses
- Know correct vocabulary for furniture
- Use prepositions to describe position of furniture in the bedroom
- Write a letter describing your home
Planning a French holiday
- Recap the names of countries
- Use the future tense to describe going to different countries (Verb – aller)
- Holiday clothes vocabulary – describing what will be packed for a holiday
- Read simple stories about a summer holiday and show comprehension through answering questions
- Plan a holiday to France
- Your town/village
- Advancing opinions
- What you can do
- Where you live
- Describing your house
- Relationships
- Chores
French transport
- Compare French and English and identify words which are cognates
- Modes of transport vocabulary
- Talk/write about how they will travel
- Say how many vehicles are in a picture and describe a scene using known vocabulary
- Describe a journey to a French-speaking country around the world
- Conduct a survey in French about transport to school
A circle of Life
- Use a dictionary to learn French animal names and say whether they are masculine or feminine nouns
- Write simple sentences in French about animal habitats
- Life cycles in French
- Build noun-verb-noun sentences to describe food chains
French Food
- Learn vocabulary for food and drink in French to complete a simple order in a ‘café’
- Read and say amounts of money in French
- Say the names of French shops correctly
- Create a French menu based on authentic texts
French and the Eurovision song contest
- Match French instrument words to the appropriate picture
- Say which instrument you play or would like to play
- Say which music you like or dislike
- Research and write about European countries in French
- Perform a song in French from memory with accurate pronunciation
Verbs in a French week
- Find infinite verbs in a dictionary
- Recognise some regular verbs in the present tense
- Choose and use appropriate verb endings
- Know French irregular verbs – to have and to be
- Build and deliver a short presentation choosing and using a range of action verbs
Meet my French Family
- Recognise and use phrases to say if you have a brother or a sister
- Name different family members on a family tree
- Build descriptive sentences into a short paragraph and into a presentation
- Give likes and dislikes of different family members
Visiting a town in France
- Directional vocabulary – Create a description of route to school and around town
- Learn French transport vocabulary and travel through role play
- Express and justify an opinion about different sightseeing hotspots in France
- Create a leaflet in French for local area
- School subjects
- Describing your teachers
- Fancy opinion phrases
- Describing your school
- School rules