Monday 30th March 2020
Hello again Year 5 & 6,
I hope this letter finds you all well and that you and your families are keeping safe. For those I saw last week, I hope you’re doing okay without watching Mr. Goodwin fail at Joe Wickes every morning, I know how much you enjoyed it!
This week, the work has been uploaded to the website just like last week. A variety of activities that this week don’t contain any tests (you’re welcome Year 6!)
Every morning, you will still receive a code to log in to so please continue with that, but can I also recommend the White Rose home learning resources ( Each week an activity, video tutorial and answer sheet are uploaded to the site for the week, with each activity following on, I think this could be very useful for you all!
I’m also looking at a website which offers a mountain of free books to read, but this is taking a bit longer than I anticipated so hopefully that will be up and running for you next week, so more details will follow in next week’s letter (sorry, you know how bad Mr. Goodwin is with technology.)
Myself and Miss Kealey are doing well, Miss Kealey has been doing a lot of dancing which I’m sure surprises none of you, while Mr. Goodwin has been nursing the many injuries he has sustained from trying to do the Joe Wickes workouts every morning, hopefully you have fared better than he has!
Mrs. Rathbone has also published a letter that tells you of Father Julian’s homilies that he will be doing, it would be really nice to share these with your families!
Anyway, I’ll let you get on with your week! Well done again everyone for approaching this with such maturity, I know it isn’t easy on anyone but you have really been a credit to everyone that knows you with how you have handled it. We are so very proud of each and every one of you.
Don’t forget, if you don’t understand something from the work set, you can email me at
God Bless,
Mr. Goodwin and Miss Kealey.