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We are very much looking forward to your child starting school in September and working together in partnership with you. We understand that starting school can be a worrying time for both you as a parent and child, as well as a very exciting time.  To support your child in their transition into nursery / reception we offer a supportive and flexible induction process.

Before starting school in September, your child will be invited to school to take part in some induction sessions in the months of June and July.

In September, with your permission, we will come to visit you and your child at home. We find that children are far more relaxed in their home environment and interact with better with us. It also gives you the opportunity to ask us any questions you may have before your child starts school.

If your child is starting nursery, they will begin with half-day sessions for the first two weeks, and then on the third week, if you wish to take up the 30 hours and your child is happy and settled, your child will be invited to stay for the whole school day. Some children may need a longer or personalised induction process. The nursery teacher will talk to you about this. If your child is starting in the reception class, they will start full time in September.


In nursery and reception, your child will be very busy learning through play and will be required to bring the following things to school;

  • A reading bag (no rucksacks please). Your child will be reading at school every day and will be bringing home books and word purses. Reading stories and listening to your child read at home every day will impact greatly on your child's learning and development.
  • A filled water bottle - water only (no juice). Your child will be busy working and playing hard. It is important that they keep hydrated. Water, milk and fruit is available throughout the day.
  • Wellington boots (nursery only) - Preferably to keep in school. We access the outdoor areas in all weathers!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff or contact the school office: