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Chaplaincy Team


The Chaplaincy team describe themselves as, ‘Members who provide spiritual care’. There are four children from year 5 and 6 who make up the School Chaplaincy Team. They play a vital role in enhancing and promoting the School Mission Statement and Gospel values alongside our faith in students and the wider community. We have a group of passionate children who work closely together to provide a range of well-planned and effective opportunities for the spiritual and moral development of pupils and staff.


The Chaplaincy team meet once every two weeks to discuss issues, find solutions and consider different ways in which they are strengthening mission and deepening spirituality. They listen and respond to the voices of their peers, discuss and develop ideas collaboratively, and launch whole school initiatives.


The Chaplaincy Team Aims to:

  • Help the school to grow as a community of faith
  • Actively participate to significantly enhance the Catholic life and mission of the school
  • Encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living
  • Support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
  • Support the school and pupils to live out the School Mission Statement and Charism Gifts
  • Promote and involve pupils in fundraising for local, national and global charities
  • Take a leading role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching Principles
  • Be the voice of change


Called to Action

 The School Chaplaincy Team play a leading role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching and are proactive in finding ways of responding, locally, nationally and globally. They gladly embrace the responsibility to pursue the common good and serve those in need.


They do so by supporting and working alongside charities such as our local Foodbank, CAFOD and CARITAS.