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Foundation Stage

Welcome to  the Foundation Stage!

Meet Our Foundation Stage Team

Mrs Clewes - Class Teacher

Mrs Hall - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs Law - Early Years Classroom Assistant


Evidence Me Help for Parents

Our Class Saint


Saint Valentine

Our special class Saint this year in the Foundation Stage is Saint Valentine. St. Valentine's feast day is celebrated on 14th February each year. We will be learning about why we celebrate Valentine’s Day, thinking about 'love', 'friendship' and 'compassion'.

Feast Day: This will be celebrated in school on Thursday 8th February


Curriculum Goals across the Foundation Stage


Our class topics for Summer 2 are "Under the Sea" and "Summer"


Our focus stories will be “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister and “Pirates love Underpants” by Clare Freedman.

Rhyme of the week

> Topic related

If your child has any books at home that they would like to share with their friends, please allow them to bring them into school. It would be lovely to read some of their favourites too!



The RE unit for this half term is PRAYER.

In this unit the children will learn about some of the reasons why Christians pray. They will learn about some styles of prayer and be able to reflect on some of their experiences of prayer during the school year. We will learn the words of the “Hail Mary” and “The Our Father”


Please let us know of "Magic Moments" when you feel that your child has learnt anything new as this will allow us to provide next steps in their learning. 

This can be sent to us through the Evidence Me APP

These magic moments can be something you have achieved a home – riding a bike, dressing yourself, helping at home! Anything at all, big or small!

If you have not already please pass on your email and download the Evidence me app. You will find and be able to share observations on here from school and home.


Nursery class target

To confidently blend phonemes orally

To match and recognise initial sounds

Reception class target

To apply phase 3 sentence and captions

To re read my sentences


Reading Diaries: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week (school policy) and ensure that you sign their diaries. Diaries will be checked every Friday.  Please practise any sounds and words that are in your child’s purse. We will tick them when they recognise them correctly in school.




The children should ensure that P.E kits are kept in school for the half term. 

Please still make sure all clothes are clearly labelled.


For more information on what we will be looking at across the curriculum in Summer 2, please see the information sheet below.

Collegiate Dictionary - EYFS

EYFS Dictionary

Ideas for books to be experienced

The Wild Woods – Simon James

Dear Zoo – Rod Campbell

Each Peach Pear Plum – Ahlberg

A Brave Bear – Sean Taylor

The First Slodge – Jeanne Willis

One Smart Fish – Chris Wormell

A Place to call Home – Alexis Deacon

Meerkat Mail – Emily Gravett

I Love you, Blue Kangaroo – Emma Chichester Clark

Kipper’s Toybox – Mick Inkpen

The Blue Balloon –

The Teddy Robber – Ian Beck

Bears Don’t Read – Emma Chichester Clark

I am Henry Finch – Alexis Deacon

Monsters at Bedtime – Ed Vere

Traditional Stories

Fredrick – Leo Lionni

Pumpkin Soup – Helen Cooper

Funnybones – Allan Ahlberg

The Jolly Postman – Alan Ahlberg

Wiinnie the Pooh – A.A. Milne 

Old Bear Stories – Jane Hissey

Where is My Teddy – Jez Allborough

The Penguin Who Wanted to Find Out – Jill Tomlinson

The Emperor’s Egg – Martin Jenkins

The Little Polar Bear – Hans De Beer

Useful Websites

Useful Phonics Websites

  • Family Learning
    Lots of interactive games to help your child blend and segment

  • Topmarks
    Interactive phonics game - reading and spelling

Useful Maths Websites

Dental Health

All children are entitled to free NHS dental treatment. Take your child to the dentist regularly to ensure that their teeth are healthy and developing well.

Looking After Your Child`s Teeth